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    Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 20:56 / comment : 0

    Every now and then WordPress users have to set their website in a maintenance or under construction mode and surely everybody wants to do this in a glamourous and beautiful way. Luckily there are a lot of excellent free WordPress plugins which can take of this. If you are still working on a new WP site, a Coming Soon plugin is also very handy to use to let people know you will soon be online. Let’s take a look at five of the best maintenance and coming soon plugins.


    Author(s): fruitfulcode

    Current Version: 2.4

    Last Updated: 20/10/2014


    This Maintenance plugin is very simple, easy to setup but still very nice to look at. It offers some useful options like logo upload, colors setup, background options and the possibility of a nice looking login screen. The Maintenance plugin is currently in version 2.4 and has been downloaded over 330.000 times and has a rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars.

    Maintenance is a easy to configure and customize coming soon or under construction plugin which can be used by just switching on a button. The plugin allows site administrators to close their website for maintenance, enable “503 Service temporarily unavailable” and setup a temporary page with authorization so site admins can still see the website whilst it is blocked for the rest of the world.

    There is a easy setup where you can customize colors, logo, full background images, background blur, add titles, headline and text and configure colors, fonts, icons etc. There is also a user login with validation which opens in a nice looking sidepanel with or without the option of the Admin bar when logged in. Overall a very nice and easy to setup plugin which also comes in a pro version on Codecanyon with many more features.

    Ultimate Maintenance Mode

    The Ultimate Maintenance mode plugin is a bit different than other plugins because of the way it works. The plugin, which has been downloaded over 220.000 times in the catalog, takes a actual screenshot of the site where it is used on and uses this as a background of the maintenance screen. On top there is a overlay window explaining the site is down for maintenance.

    The plugin allows working on a website in the background whilst visitors see a maintenance page which can be customized by the admin. There is an ability to add custom headline, message and background image as well. Search engines receive a 503 http status so they know the site is down temporarily. There is a Premium version of this plugin with extended options.

    Ultimate Coming Soon Page

    The Ultimate Coming Soon Page plugin can be used for both maintenance and coming soon statuses whilst working on a WordPress website. This plugin developed by SeedProd comes in a pro version and a free version which has been dowloaded over 900.000 times in the catalog. The plugin receives a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars which is very good.

    The Ultimate Coming Soon Page plugin a simple yet flexible and works well with any WordPress theme. Anyone who is not logged in to the site admin will see the coming soon page while the logged in users can work quietly on the website. There are a lot of benefits using this handy plugin like a completely customizable look including background, colors, images, logo, fonts and also collect Emails with Feedburner. There is also a pro version of this very useful plugin which gives even more flexibility and options to stand out of the crowd.


    This very simple plugin does what it must do … put your WordPress site in a maintenance mode. The maintenance screen is shown to all people who are not logged in to the admin and it is really useful for site development without much hassle, options, setups etc. Although underConstruction is a very basic and simple plugin, it has been downloaded over 700.000 times from the catalog.

    The underConstruction plugin is very simple to setup simply because there are not so many features. You can activate and deactivate the maintenance mode, setup a HTTP status code like 200 or 503, tweak the display options with or without text and HTTP code and write a Page Title, header Text and Body Text which will be displayed over a black background. Simple and effective plugin.

    WP Maintenance Mode

    The WP Maintenance Mode plugin does what it’s title says, put your WordPress site in maintenance mode. It will add a nicely looking and completely customizable maintenance page or coming soon page with user admin rights and full access to back- and front end. The plugin has been downloaded 1.4 million times and receives a rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars.

    This very useful and flexible plugin will allow you to add a subscription form, countdown timer, contact form, social media icons, SEO options, backgrounds, colors, texts and many other features. The plugin can be used both for maintenance mode or coming soon mode and works also on WordPress multisite and is completely responsive so it looks nice on all screen sizes.

    If you like to share anything about the content of this carefully selected Top 5 list, please mention this in our comment section below or join us on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter. We hope to hear from you.


    The post 5 useful and free maintenance and coming soon WordPress plugins appeared first on Codzcook.

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