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    Posted by: Anonymous Posted date: 11:54 / comment : 0

    Priorities need to be installed on your phone with the latest version 4.11.498 Web applications can use Whatsapp android or you can update from the market.Is to find out if Current is open Whatsapp application, the screen comes up when you click on the article about the settings of version can learn, if you are having problems doing the update, uninstall the application, you can have the latest version by downloading it again. The update process is ok let's move on how we use our
    First open the WhatsApp web image page in Chrome, then turn from your Whatsapp application from your phone, phone, chat, and your screen is turned on (the screen you see your last conversation), press Options (button you press to open settings) opened the screen # 4 "Whatsapp Web" will see the word click How to introduce the next screen showing the QR code on the screen, "Okay, I get it." WhatsApp saying that you have seen in the web pages you have opened in Chrome that you read the QR code on your camera phone after reading in a very short time will appear on your phone screen note that your phone must be switched on continuously. :)

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