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    Posted by: Anonymous Posted date: 10:05 / comment : 0

    Primitives can be compared to see if their values are literally the same. As logic would suggest, if you compare a variable containing the numeric value 10 with another variable containing the numeric value 10, JavaScript will consider these equal because 10 is the same as 10 (i.e. 10 === 10). The same, of course, would apply if you compare the primitive string 'foo' to another primitive string with a value of 'foo'. The comparison would say that they are equal to each other based on their value (i.e. 'foo' === 'foo').
    In the following code, I demonstrate the "equal by value" concept using primitive numbers, as well as contrast this with a complex number object.
    Sample: sample15.html
    The concept to take away here is that primitives, when compared, will check to see if the expressed values are equal. When a string, number, or Boolean value is created using the new keyword (e.g., new Number('10')), the value is no longer primitive. As such, comparison does not work the same as if the value had been created via literal syntax. This is not surprising, given that primitive values are stored by value (i.e. does10 === 10), while complex values are stored by reference (i.e. does price3 and price4 contain a reference to the same value).
    When a primitive value is used as if it were an object created by a constructor, JavaScript converts it to an object in order to respond to the expression at hand, but then discards the object qualities and changes it back to a primitive value. In the code that follows, I take primitive values and showcase what happens when the values are treated like objects.
    Sample: sample16.html
    In this code example, all of the primitive values (except null and undefined) are converted to objects, so as to leverage the toString() method, and then are returned to primitive values once the method is invoked and returned.
    The native object constructors Object()Array()Function()Date()Error(), and RegExp() are complex because they can contain one or more primitive or complex values. Essentially, complex values can be made up of many different types of JavaScript objects. It could be said that complex objects have an unknown size in memory because complex objects can contain any value and not a specific known value. In the following code, we create an object and an array that houses all of the primitive objects.
    Sample: sample17.html
    The concept to take away here is that complex values are a composite of values and differ in complexity and composition to primitive values.
    The term "complex object" has also been expressed in other writings as "composite objects" or "reference types.” If it's not obvious, all these names describe the nature of a JavaScript value excluding primitive values. Primitive values are not "referenced by value" and cannot represent a composite (i.e. a thing made up of several parts or elements) of other values, while complex objects are "referenced by value" and can contain or encapsulate other values.
    It is extremely important to understand that complex values are stored and manipulated by reference. When creating a variable containing a complex object, the value is stored in memory at an address. When you reference a complex object, you’re using its name (i.e. variable or object property) to retrieve the value at that address in memory. The implications are significant when you consider what happens when you attempt to copy a complex value. In the next sample, we create an object stored in the variablemyObject. The value in myObject is then copied to the variable copyOfMyObject. Really, it is not a copy of the object—more like a copy of the address of the object.
    Sample: sample18.html
    What you need to realize is that, unlike primitive values that would copy a value, objects (aka complex values) are stored by reference. As such, the reference (aka address) is copied, but not the actual value. This means that objects are not copied at all. Like I said, what is copied is the address or reference to the object in the memory stack. In our code example, myObject and copyOfMyObject point to the same object stored in memory.
    The idea to take away here is that when you change a complex valuebecause it is stored by referenceyou change the value stored in all variables that reference the complex value. In our code example, both myObject and copyOfMyObject are changed when you update the object stored in either variable.
    When the values String()Number(), and Boolean() are created using the new keyword, or converted to complex objects behind the scenes, the values continue to be stored/copied by value. So, even though primitive values can be treated like complex values, they do not take on the quality of being copied by reference.
    To truly make a copy of an object, you have to extract the values from the old object and inject them into a new object.
    When comparing complex objects, they are equal only when they reference the same object (i.e. have the same address). Two variables containing identical objects are not equal to each other since they do not actually point at the same object.
    In the following sample, objectFoo and objectBar have the same properties and are, in fact, identical objects, but when asked if they are equal via ===, JavaScript tells us they are not.
    Sample: sample19.html
    The concept to take away here is that variables that point to a complex object in memory are equal only because they are using the same "address.” Conversely, two independently created objects are not equal even if they are of the same type and possess the exact same properties.
    A new variable that points to an existing complex object does not copy the object. This is why complex objects are sometimes called reference objects. A complex object can have as many references as you want, and they will always refer to the same object, even as the object being referenced changes.
    Sample: sample20.html
    This allows for dynamic object properties because you can define an object, create references, update the object, and all of the variables referring to the object will "get" that update.
    The typeof operator can be used to return the type of value you are dealing with. But the values returned from it are not exactly consistent or what some might say, logical. The following code exhibits the returned values from using the typeof operator.
    Sample: sample21.html
    When using this operator on values, you should be aware of the potential values returned given the type of value (primitive or complex) that you are dealing with.
    Complex objects are made up of dynamic properties. This allows user-defined objects, and most of the native objects, to be mutated. This means that the majority of objects in JavaScript can be updated or changed at any time. Because of this, we can change the native pre-configured nature of JavaScript itself by augmenting its native objects. However, I am not telling you to do this; in fact I do not think you should. But let's not cloud what is possible with opinions.
    This means its possible to store properties on native constructors and add new methods to the native objects with additions to their prototype objects.
    In the following code, I mutate the String() constructor function andString.prototype.
    Sample: sample22.html
    I want to drive home the fact that objects in JavaScript are dynamic. This allows objects in JavaScript to be mutated. Essentially, the entire language can be mutated into a custom version (e.g., trimIT string method). Again, I am not recommending thisI am just pointing out that it is part of the nature of objects in JavaScript.
    Careful! If you mutate the native inner workings of JavaScript, you potentially have a custom version of JavaScript to deal with. Proceed with caution, as most people will assume that JavaScript is the same wherever its available.

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