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    Posted by: Anonymous Posted date: 20:58 / comment : 0

    You can boost your ram speed by cleaning it ,you have to just make a visual basic command and run it then you can feel the difference.

    STEP 1>  Click Start and type Notepad in the search bar and hit Enter or windows+R then type run and enter to the run commandappears.

    STEP 2>

    Type the following code in Notepad.
    FreeMem=Space(64000000) if your RAM is below 1GB.

    FreeMem=Space(51200000) if your RAM is 512 MB
    FreeMem=Space(102400000) if your RAM is 1GB
    FreeMem=Space(204800000) if your RAM is 2GB
    FreeMem=Space(409600000) if your RAM is 4GB and so on.

    STEP 3>

    Save the file with a VBS extension.
    You can name as your wish  with a .vbs extension to the file name as you save. As we are going to use ram cleaner.vbs for this

    Run the script then you can feel the difference in your pc speed!!

    icon allbkg

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