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    Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 17:11 / comment : 0

    Duplicate the dark shape and select its upper anchor point with the Direct Selection Tool (A). Drag the anchor point down to put the shape flat on the ground.
    put the shape flat on the ground
    Adjust the gradients, creating a sense of light pouring on the ground out of the open window (or it is more likely to be a front door).
    create a sense of light pouring on the ground
    Use the Reflect Tool (O) to mirror the created element over the Vertical Axis. Make several copies of the reflected window and place them on the opposite wall, decreasing their size.
    Use the Reflect Tool O to mirror the created element
    Create multiple copies of the windows and put them in the appropriate places.
    Create multiple copies of the windows
    Move on and form the left side wall by adding a curved rectangle shape. Fill the shape with a gentle lilac-white linear gradient and switch it to Multiply Blending Mode, thus creating a shadow and making the house dimensional.
    make the house dimensional
    Render the roof of the house in the same way as the wall.
    Render the roof of the house
    Add a sharp, zigzagged shape above the roof. Select both objects and use the Minus Front function in Pathfinderto form some cracks.
    use the Minus Front function in Pathfinder to form cracks
    Work over the other parts of the house in the same way, rendering shadows and creating a realistic look.
    render shadows
    To create a mysterious, Halloween atmosphere in our image, we're going to add some minor details. Individually, they'll barely be noticeable at first glance, but they'll all come together to create the effect we're looking for. Let’s add some of these tiny elements here and there to make our artwork more intricate.
    First of all, add more light to the windows, by adding a conelike shape and filling it with a bright gradient in Screen Blending Mode.
    dd a conelike shape and fill it with a gradient in Screen mode
    Now let’s make a small but very important element, which produces a subtle, magical effect—the sparkle! Sparkles always create a feeling of something mysterious and supernatural.
    Making a sparkle is quite simple: create two even circles and fill them with radial gradients as shown on the screenshot below. Use yellow-black gradient with a small center for one circle and orange-black gradient with a larger center for the other.
    Put one circle above the other and switch them to Screen Blending Mode. The black color will become transparent, creating a warm glow. Magic indeed!
    make a sparkle in Screen mode
    Spread the sparkles in front of a doorway as if they are flying out of the house.
    put the sparkles in front of a door
    Decorate several more windows using the same technique. However, avoid adding sparkles to all of the windows so as not to overload the picture with small details, because they create “noise” which can be very distracting for the viewers.
    Decorate several more windows with sparks
    Our picture is almost complete! Let’s add some interesting elements, which will attract more attention and enliven the composition. We need some characters suitable for a Halloween theme. As you remember, we already have a naked tree in the foreground, so let’s add a bat hanging upside-down on one of the branches.
    Draw a whimsy curved shape using the Pencil Tool (N) to depict the left part of a bat's silhouette. Reflect the shape over the Vertical Axis and combine the halves, forming a single silhouette. Add a darker shape above, forming a wing, wrapped around our bat. Add two red eyes, making them sharp-pointed to create an evil look.
    create a simple bat character
    Let’s fit our bat on the tree. Make it darker, if needed, to emphasize the contrast between the character and the background.
    put the bat on a tree
    Use one of the sparkles that we created a few steps ago and put it over the bat’s eye, making it glow bright red.
    create glowing eyes with a spark
    Draw out a scribbled shape, imitating the tree bark. Use the same filling gradient as we have on the walls of the house, switching to Multiply Blending Mode.
    draw tree bark
    We have the last move left! Let’s add brightness to our image, making it more vivid and saturated. Make a big rectangle, covering the whole Artboard, and fill it with radial gradient, consisting of orange, pink and dark-purple colors, as shown on the screenshot.
    Switch the Blending Mode to Overlay and decrease the Opacity to 30%. This simple method gives our image a bright, candy-like look! Now the colors look much better.
    add an Overlay object to brighten the colors
    Create another rectangle the same size as our Artboard and put it above all other elements by clicking Shift-Control-]. Select everything (Control-A) and right‑click to call a pop-up menu. Make Clipping Mask to hide the pieces outside the Artboard.
    make a clipping mask to hide the unneeded pieces
    Congratulations! You’ve just finished building a mysterious Halloween scene and should be proud of yourself. I hope you’ve enjoyed following these guidelines and found some useful tips and tricks for your future work. Happy Halloween, folks!
    final image

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