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    Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 06:42 / comment : 0

    There is no need to introduce armitage, if you are related to the world of penetration testing so you have an idea about armitage and if you are new to the world of ethical hacking than click here to learn about Armitage and click here for Metasploit.

    Backtrack 5 is on fire now after installation backtrack 5, you need to setup armitage to perform a effective pen testing, if you are using some older version of backtrack and if you are using other Linux distro like ubuntu than click here to learn how to install armitage.
    You dont need to install armitage on backtrack5 because it is available on backtrack5, just follow the steps to run armitage on bt5.
    Backtrack 5 (Click here to learn)
    All the requirement is available on backtrack5, so you need not to worry about it.

    Open your backtrack and click on Application --> backtrack --> Exploitation tools --> Network exploitation tools --> Metasploit framework --> Armitage

    On the next windows click on connect to start armitage, if it is your first time than it may take some time to start armitage.

    Now you will see the window of armitage, now your armitage is ready to use, if you dont know how to use it than you have to wait of or next article in which we will surely teach you how to use armitage by different variance.

    icon allbkg

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