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    Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 18:34 / comment : 0

    Google search engine is best known for bringing up relevant web pages to the search terms you type in, due to its page rank algorithm.

    However Google has built in some other lesser-known features. The Telegraph has scoured Google's search function for some of those elements.

    Some of them are just quirky: try typing in "do a barrel roll" or "tilt" into the search bar for instance.

    Others include useful functions such a translator function which enables you to type in a word in one language to find its equivalent in another.

    There are also homages video games, such as from the 1980's brand Atari and the so-called 'zerg rush' feature in many titles.

    Atari Breakout game on Google search

    There are also useful functions such as a calculator and weather forecasts.

    Google's calculator function is far more powerful than most people realise.

    Watch the video to find out more about Google search's features.

    icon allbkg

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